Today I made some garlic salve to put up in the medicine cabinet. Did you know Garlic is an antibiotic! Yeah it’s magic! Now this is not the best smelling salve but it’s not horrible either. The lavender ESO helps in that department but it still has garlic undertones but for a medicinal all natural medicine I’ll take it! This salve works wonders on respiratory issues and illnesses, minor scrapes and wounds, minor burns or cuts, decrease the length of a cold, and more. Simply rub on the soles of your feet, back, or chest. 


  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp beeswax
  • 1 head of garlic, crushed and finely minced
  • 5-10 drops lavender essential oil *this makes 8oz I used 2oz tins so a total of 4 tins saved for use.


  1. Grade you’re garlic very fine. while your grading your garlic you can have the coconut oil, olive oil and beeswax melting in a double broiler (use a pot you don’t mind not using again for food!) once oils are milked add the crushed/graded garlic and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove form heat add in essential oils. remember to have your tins ready and pour off the garlic through a strainer then pour clean infused oils into the tins.
  3. Cool for a few hours and use or place into medicine cabinet.

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